Images from the Olohuone(livingroom)-cityarthappening in Turku june 2008. The name of the Works were "disappearing path" and consisted of drawings made with coloured sand. The Drawings played with different elements of the cityspace.
This installation was called "High life" and was part of my works for the Degree show of the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. The works were located under the Bridge of Hakaniemi, next to the Residential area Merihaka. The starting point for the isntallation was the surroundign architecture and cityplanning.
This installation was called "bad news" and was part of my works in the Degree show of the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki in may 2008. The work was anchored next to Eira shore and was a comment to the changes going on in the area.
This installation was made during the Future Museum project in Helsinki 2007. The fenced space next to a car tunnel fascinated me. All the time there was dripping from a pipe in the roof of the space. The Umbrella on top of the Structure, changed the course of the Water drips. The Warningsticks that surrounds the Umbrella structure, was "walking" out of the fenced area. A streak of yellow sand led the spectator to the place from the nearby park.
Painted wooden structures "growing" out from the abandoned greenhouse. The structure was suggesting architectural sketches, but the same time it was orcanical in its way of spreading out and through its colourful surface. The Nature was taking over the Greenhouse when I found it and the inside of it was full of the same vegetation as outside.
This crashed and probably stolen car had been dumped and left to its faith for one month, when I decided to make an intervention. The inspiration came from the surrounding elements and the situation that I found the car in. Realized in Pasila, Helsinki the autumn 2005.
Installation in the basement of a old schoolbuilding in Berlin-Prentzlauberg, where the group exhibition caled "die Leere"(Emptiness) took part in march 2005. The formations on the floor were made of chalkpowder and took a startingpoint from the structures in the rooms.